Friday, December 18, 2009

Recipe for Gift Giving

Every year we try to give some small gift to our girls' teachers. This is our only year with all three of them at one school, so I wanted to think of something fun and different to do. And I'll be honest, it had to be easy. A loves dancing in The Nutcracker, but it's a big time investment for our family and leaves us all tired by this time of the year. I beat the holiday rush by sending a Thanksgiving letter instead of a Christmas one, but didn't have the foresight to do the same with teacher gifts. So this year, we make a bath soak.

Ginger Orange Bath Soak
2 cups baking soda
2 cups epsom salts
2 TBSP ground ginger
1 TBSP dried orange peel

Mix all together (I doubled or tripled this recipe) and pour about 2/3 cup of the mixture into a paper or cellophane bag.
We opted for paper bags, folded over and held down with a Christmas sticker.

I mixed the bath soak, the girls affixed the stickers and labels and we all enjoyed distributing them to the teachers at our wonderful elementary school.

The original recipe for the soak didn't call for the orange peel, but I wanted some citrus scent to complement the ginger. I tried out the left-overs myself in the bath and found that orange peel gave the bath a bit of texture, but just the scent I had wanted. This was a super-easy, inexpensive and unique gift.

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